Sunday, July 29, 2007

We'll take cheese with that pleaseeeeeee

Who doesn't love a trip to Chuck-E-Cheese???? We took the girls Friday and they love it. However, for me i miss the days of Showbiz with the bears that had those eyes that would blink when they sang and the bodies that moved soooooo slowly, does anyone remember that? Anyways, after we spent the $20 which was cheap because we had a coupon, this is the prize we got that Lily is holding. Some eye glass thing and 2 tootsie rolls, 2 magnets, and a chuck-e-cheese squeesy toy. Personally, i could have bought these things at the flea market for a dollar, thank you very much but you would have thought the girls won the jackpot. The pics were taken after they got home. Oh, and them already asking "Chuck-E-Cheese pleaseeee again, Mommy?"

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I too remember the good ole days of Showbiz! What fun!!!