Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Do you see this face? All look at me aren't I sweet? I don't know how well you can see the first two pictures but that is Ella's arm and on it are a full set of Lily's teeth. The second pic is a full set of scratch marks on Ella's leg from Lily. I know many of you are probably thinking "Doesn't she ever watch her kids?" but Lily is so fast that i can be inches away from her and can't stop her. She's a little aggressive to say the least but after having to always fight for a toy since she was a baby b/c Ella always took one away from her, she a little quick to get upset. However, they are good at sharing at times...sometimes, every now and then?? So, I like to think she's thinking Wahahhahah......I'll show you....take my toys Sissy and see what happens! Let's just hope that DEFACS doesn't see my kids.

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